The talks
Human beings are shaped by a unique capacity to make decisions about their priorities. What is your priority? Given by layperson.
Prevenient Grace
God’s love searches us out, seeks to redeem humanity, and wants to give us a life in grace. Given by clergy.
Priesthood of All Believers
God’s love is shared by Christians called to be the church - to be priests to one another, a channel of grace between God and people. Given by laity.
Justifying Grace
By God’s grace we are accepted and set right with God in Jesus Christ. New life in Christ comes when we say yes to God’s offer of grace. Given by clergy.
Life of Piety
This new life is rooted in a living relationship with God, sustained by grace through spiritual disciplines - giving our heart to God. Given by laity.
Grow Through Study
Newlife in Christ involves growing through study of scripture, tradition , and our world (giving our mind to God). A lay talk.
Means of Grace
This new life in Christ is made real by means of sacrraments and other sacred moments in which we celebrate Christ’s overcoming death in our lives. Given by Clergy.
Christian Action
This new life is expressed by sharing Christ as a friend with friends - given one’s hands and feet to God, both in the church and in the world. Given by laity.
Obstacles to Grace
This new life is not free from obstacles of sin, but grace and discipline enable us to overcome obstacles and grow through them. Given by clergy.
This new life is discipleship, life lived in grace, following in Jesus’ footsteps, growing in his likeness - giving heart, head, and hands to God. Given by laity.
Changing our World
Diciples will transformthir environments by being a Christian presence in the four fields of ministry. Given by laity.
Sanctifying Grace
Disciples continue to grow in the grace of Christ through obedience to the Hood Spirit in the disciplines of prayer and service. Given by clergy.
Body of Christ
Disciples are called together to be the lady of Christ, joining their gifts for ministry and mission to “the least of these”. Given by laity.
Disciples of Jesus cannot make it alone but can persevere with strength from the Spirit through mutual support in accountability groups. Give by laity.
Fourth Day Day
The three days are over but Day Four begins. This is Emmaus’s purpose: a lifetime of discipleship, bringing new life to our churches and conveying grade where we live.
The daily meditations
Day One Morning Meditation
The Loving Father (prodigal son). God loves us unconditionally and longs for our return..
Day One Focus
God graciously offers us a relationship and a new life centered in Christ.
Day Two Meditation
Four Responses to Christ. In view of these, how will we respond to Christ?
Day Two Focus
Christ models our response to that gracious offer and our living in grace as disciples through practicing the means of grace.
Day Three Meditation
Humanness of Jesus. God uses our humanness to touch his world with grace..
Day Three Focus
The Holy Spirit has a strategy of bringing new life and transformation to our world through us and our ongoing participation in that mission as the church.